Moving Guidelines
Some customers teach us via experience with them what our policies should be as we interact with them. With that in mind, we want to inform you that there are certain items our insurance will not cover due to the fragility or cheap construction of said items. The following list pertains to such items:
1) Any furniture made from particle board or pressed cardboard/pressed wood with stickers that resemble a real wood finish are not covered. This includes faux fireplaces. We have seen raindrops hit those stickers and wash away the water based paint though we cover items with shrink wrap & blankets. Pressed cardboard flares out and tears away as it gets wet. We cannot insure cheap construction.
2) Any item placed in a box or bin by the customer is refered to as "packed by owner". Now some people know how to pack (with bubble wrap & paper) while others toss their items into a box or bag & expect it to survive the journey. Remember, the back of the truck is shaking your items as they are being moved so be certain to wrap anything fragile very carefully as it will not be insured if we did not pack it. If you have anything that is extremely valuable you will need to get it insured through your own agency or agent.
3) We do not insure TV's that are not packed into TV boxes. Your TV set is fragile & the slightest pressure in the wrong place can cause irreversible damage. Boxes are best!
4) We do not insure your mattress unless it is placed in a mattress bag. If you purchase one we can put it on for you. It will keep your mattress much cleaner then just placing it on the truck without one.
5) We will not insure any marble furniture. We do not know how old it is, how fragile it is through continued use or liquids that may have been used to clean it over the years. We have literally had marble pieces crumble in our hands on some moves.
6)All Kitchen tables/Dining room tables must have legs removed. Legs break easy in transit.
1) If you want a particular item wrapped please inform the driver. If the crew refuses to wrap it call me & I will personally come to wrap it.
2) If your move exceeds 3 hours do not expect to pay ONLY the 3 hour minimum fee. Most moves exceed 3 hours so if there is no wiggle room in your budget do not book the move.
3) We charge $5.00 per step. 20 steps? That's $100.00! Our guys work hard and deserve to make a little extra carrying items up & down excessive amounts of steps. One move recently had 83 steps!
4)We charge at least $250.00 for overweight and/or specialty items. These are items weighing at at least 300 pounds and include reclining motorized sofas (unless you can prove through the paperwork received at purchase that it weighs less), some treadmills, 3 door refrigerators, pianos, gunsafes, etc. These items are much more difficult to carry without doing damage to walls, doorways & other areas so will bill more & give our men incentive pay to compensate for their professionalism. They make it look easy but it's not!
5) If your household goods are not packed into boxes, bins, or bags when we arrive do not expect us to move them. it slows down the process. If you need us to pack please schedule a day for packing before we come for the move.
6)If there are evident signs of an infestation we will not be able to move your items and your deposit will be forfeited. This pertains to insect and/or rodent infestation. In addition, if you have animals, all feces & urine must be cleaned from furniture items before we will move those items. Certain things violate the Health Code of Pennsylvania & we must abide by the regulations set in place and established by the state. This also provides our employees with hazard free work environment. Thank you for understanding!
7) PLEASE do not rage or cuss or try to micro-manage our helpers. Any anger or complaints should be targeted at the management of Mike Moves Pittsburgh, not the workers. Any display of unwarranted anger or cussing aimed or micro-managing at our men will result in them leaving your property immediately and your deposit will be forfeited. Anger doesn't help us carry your belongings any safer! In fact, more items tend to get damaged when anger is displayed because when you get angry and disrespect our workers they are distracted by your behavior and it could affect their own.